A to Z April Challenge calendar

I have always wanted to do a blog challenge, at least since  I learned about them, but, I always missed the boat! So, my resolutions for 2014 were:

1. Blog as frequently as possible ( read: everyday). In reality it is every other day on a good week.

2. Participate in competitions that require me to write a blog post. I might provide free publicity for a brand and be branded ‘gullible blogger’ but, I’ll also have written some good content, get noticed, get some more readers etc.

3. Join a blog challenge before the last date of sign-up!

Therefore, when I came across the A – Z April Challenge I jumped right in, with both feet, read: both blogs. Yes, the Drifting Traveller and The Book Drifter, my book blog, are both signed up for the challenge. Given that this is my first challenge I must have been feeling a bit over confident.

According to the rules of the challenge I will have to blog everyday excepting Sundays and the post will have to be styled after the letters of the Alphabet. For example: Aardvark on 1st April, Boolean algebra on 2nd April and so on. So, in the month of April minus the Sundays you will have 26 days to blog with 26 letters of the alphabet as your cue. However the rules aren’t that strict. You can blog about ‘I Love my T-shirt’ for the letters ‘I’, ‘L’, or ‘T’ also, ‘M’, if you really want to! Just remember to capitalize the ‘M’ in ‘my’ to make your case stronger.

Come April there will be a lot of activity on my blog and I will be writing 26 + 26 = 52 blog posts (26 per blog). I have been advised by well wishers on Twitter and A to Z challenge veterans that I should start scheduling in advance ASAP! At the moment all  I have finished doing is creating a calendar each with two letter appropriate post topic in each square. But  I keep having brilliant ideas and the calendar is a work in progress.

However I would love to hear your ideas about posting with U, W, X, Y and Z. Don’t say ‘X-rated’ I’ve already thought about it!

If you want to join the A to Z Challenge this April or read more about the challenge follow the links.

A to Z Challenge sign up

What is Blogging from A to Z


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Written by Amrita Dasgupta - Visit my blog for more food and travel stories
I love to travel, discover new things, experience new cultures and then I get back home and experiment with the new food and recipes I discovered on my travels. My blog is about all those life experiences. If you’ve enjoyed this post, keep in touch with Drifting Traveller on Twitter and Facebook or by adding my blog to your RSS feed. Follow my blog with Bloglovin or Networked Blogs! If you really like reading the Drifting Traveller why not share it with people you know who'd like to read it too.